The Silverstone Classic is a wonderful event. The largest gathering of classic and rare racing cars in the historic racing calendar certainly lived up to expectation. Having been used to strolling around Brands Hatch, the scale of Silverstone surprised me. I haven't been here for a very long time!
I was lucky enough to be a guest of Aston Martin Heritage Racing. Not because I own an Aston Martin you understand, but because I was part of the crack team that designed and built their website. More of that here.
The day started by donning our rain coats and getting our bearings. Although we had been promised some VIP, I really wanted to walk around the circuit and take in the atmosphere.

The thing that struck me most is how open and sweeping the bends are. It's a much faster circuit than Brands and much bigger. trying to find a good vantage point for photography was hard due to the lack of familiarity (the weather didn't help much either). However, as we made are way around towards the paddock, it just kept getting better..!

As good as watching cars race is, there's nothing like the paddock for atmosphere and frenetic energy. Watching mechanics at work is a privilege and hearing monstrous engines being fired up right next to you is awe-inspiring. It's a great place to people watch too!
2019 was also a special year for mini fans like myself. To mark the mini's 60th anniversary, the paddock was packed full of these brilliant little icons and I was in my element (along with quite a few other old geezers). If you've never seen historic minis race, then you're missed a treat!

The complimentary action was calling and so we made our way up to hospitality. We certainly made the most of it, as it would probably be our last experience of VIP - but what a way to end the day! Then, just as we thought it couldn't get any better our hosts asked us if we'd like a ride in the course car. Well, it would have been rude not to, especially when the course car looks like this...

Looking back, in these lockdown times, we moaned about the weather. What I wouldn't give to be freezing my bits off again, watching these superb machines.